English 日本語
A Friend who is affectionate and clever, and loves you more than anyone else


Please use the contact for any inquiry.

In principle, we will reply to the inquiry the following business day. However, inquiry made on weekend/holidays, the year-end and New Year holidays, or during summer holidays, the reply will be returned after the following business day.

Please also note that the reply may be delayed depending on the type of inquiry and number of inquiries.

    Name * First Name Family Name
    Phone *
    (Ex: 03-5834-5163)
    Email *
    What is your inquiry about?
    Messages *

    Prohibited matters (Please refrain from the following actions when you use the inquiry form.)

    1. To register information of other people, or to input false information arbitrary/intentionally.
    2. To use the form for business purpose or preparation of business activities.
    3. To defame or damage the credit of our association or any third party.
    4. To violate laws and regulations, or to perform a behavior which is determined inappropriate by our association.